Friday, April 3, 2009

Another News Article on Trey Hillman

Last Sunday in the sports section of the Kansas City Star, Sam Mellinger wrote an article about Kansas City Royals manager Trey Hillman. It talked about Trey and his story, about how his first year of big league managing last year and the prep for this season. The coolest part was throughout the article it talked about Trey's faith and how it is such an important part of his life. I knew about this last year when he and GM Dayton Moore came to Midwestern Seminary during Royals Day to speak about their lives and their walk with Jesus.

This article was reassuring to me because Trey was open about how last year was a drain for him by the end of the year because he wasn't reading and studying the Bible like he wanted to. I can totally relate to that as there are times in my life where I don't have the personal devotion time like I should and it translates into not feeling connected to God like I should. It is encouraging to me that he is committing to deeper study and personal time and I hope to do the same.

I would encourage you to read the whole article. Here's the link

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