There are many reasons why I like football more than I like baseball. It's not that I don't like baseball, I do. Since I've lived in major league cities (Seattle, Kansas City), I go to several games a year. I have several fantasy baseball teams a year including one keeper league. When I was a kid, I collected baseball cards.
But simply put, I like football better. If I had to rank major league sports, football would be #1. Hockey would actually be slightly ahead at #2 followed by baseball and then basketball (this is because the NBA and David Stern allowed Clay Bennett to leave with the team which shall not be named and take them from Seattle to Oklahoma City, which by the way are like 3-27 which makes me super happy....but that's another story). Football is a sport that I grew up on as kid with college and pro.
I was reminded again why I like football better yesterday when the Yankees signed yet another player for an exoberant amount of money. It's not just the fact that I'm a Red Sox fan that the news disgusted me. It was the fact that their salary is more than the worth of the franchises of the Florida Marlins and Florida Panthers (with money to spare). I'm sure there are several MLB teams who's total payroll doesn't even equal the starting lineup + starting 5 of the Yankees...combined. It is simply ridiculous.
I'm much rather keep up with football than baseball. Baseball you can pretty much write off 3/5ths of the teams right now (and that's being generous) and it's still two months or so before spring training. Football, you can have a horrible year one year (i.e. Miami, Atlanta) and make the playoffs or have a shot at the playoffs the next. Teams in smaller markets (Green Bay, Tennessee) have chances to go to the Super Bowl every year. Small markets teams in MLB rarely have a shot beyond maybe once in a decade if that.
The Yankees should be happy they signed yet another free agent. I'll be happy to keep watching America's true
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